
Dr. Sard earned his B.S. in Biology at SUNY Fredonia in 2009. During his undergraduate degree, he studied fine scale population genetic structuring of smallmouth bass in Lake Erie. He stayed at SUNY Fredonia for his M.S. in Biology from 2009 to 2011. During his master’s he was a graduate teaching assistant that taught labs in cellular biology and genetics. After graduating with this master’s degree, Dr. Sard traveled to Oregon to work on his Ph.D. in Fisheries Science at Oregon State University with his advisor Dr. Michael Banks. Dr. Sard studied a Chinook salmon reintroduction program using genetic pedigree reconstruction techniques. After graduating with his Ph.D. in 2016, he traveled to East Lansing Michigan where he worked with Dr. Kim Scribner and Dr. John Robinson in the Fisheries and Wildlife Department at Michigan State University on several topics related to the conservation of threatened and endangered species, as well as the management of invasive species.